Thursday, November 26, 2009

Perfect boiled eggs/ Deviled Eggs

I'm not sure if its a southern thing but, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner was not complete without Deviled eggs. One year my mom assigned my grandmother to bring them. She decided it wasn't necessary and our family and entire dinner almost fell apart. Lets just say that was a sad day in our household.
I don't know about you but, Its very easy to boil eggs and then after cutting them open you realize that you've cooked them to long because they have that little green ng around the yoke. (thats actually not supposed to happen when they are cooked to perfection)
Here is a perfect way to ensure you'll have perfect boiled eggs every time whether its for Deviled eggs or not!

eggs (use eggs that are at least 3 days old.. if they are really fresh they don't turn out as good)
1 tsp. Kosher salt

Fill a pot with COLD water. Add eggs (making sure there is just a single layer on the bottom of the pot) and salt. Bring water to a boil. Once water is boiling, reduce heat to medium and boil for about 3-5 minutes (no longer than 5 minutes). Cover pot and remove from heat. Let sit another 10-12 minutes. Strain water from pot and run COLD water over the eggs until the eggs are cool to the touch. Strain excess water from eggs and peel OR refrigerate for up to 3-4 days.

Now that you know how to make hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs will be easy.

6 hard boiled eggs
2 Tbsp. Miracle Whip
1 1/2 tsp. mustard
salt and pepper to taste

Peel eggs and cut in half lengthwise. Remove and mash yolks with mayo, mustard, sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper. Scoop a little of the mixture and stuff inside egg whites (if you want to be fancy you can put the mashed up yolks in a plastic bag, snip off the end and pipe the yolks into the egg white... or if you want to be really fancy you can use a cake decorating bag and put on a large star-tip). Sprinkle with paprika and serve!

1 comment:

  1. I have to laugh about falling apart not having deviled eggs. That's what my family would do if we didn't get crescent rolls (homemade of course) for Thanksgiving. You have me in the mood for deviled eggs now!
